Two New eBooks at Amazon Kindle!

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I am pleased to announce the publication of my second ebook, Today You Do Greatness: A Parable On Success And Significance, co-authored with Dr. Rick E. Amidon. Dr. Amidon is Founder, mark217, and former president, Baker College of Muskegon and Sanford-Brown College. (The ebook is available for $2.99 via the title link to

This ebook is a parable about greatness, leadership, faith, and life portrayed in a short story about an immigrant whose memories include a father who encouraged him to “do greatness.” The new American obtains an education, finds a profession, works diligently, and matures.

Our ebook emerges from the fact that all people possess a philosophy of life informing what values they embrace, what choices they make, and who they become. In this story, our immigrant friend does “his thing” based upon the philosophy of life he inherited.

But he eventually faces inevitable questions: Has his quest for success really led him to a life of true significance? Are success and significance opposed to each other – or can he have both?

To probe and hopefully answer these questions we’ve included alongside the parable parallel commentary rooted in a Christian philosophy of life, greatness, and leadership, which is distilled in snippets of biblically based application. By comparing and contrasting the story and the Christian worldview commentaries you’ll discover ways to examine your values and choices, new insights, and new perspectives. You'll come to understand how to achieve both success and significance—and true greatness.

Rick’s talent for narrative fiction is evident in the parable. My contribution rests in the Christian worldview commentary. Together, we hope we’ve provided readers with much to think about, much to apply in their lives and careers, and much to use in the Lord’s service.


© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2011

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